The UK Pickle market is continuing to expand, as it has over the last few decades, especially now as consumers are shifting towards organic and healthy foods and becoming more experimental in their eating habits. The current C-19 pandemic has raised the demand for healthy and preservable organic pickles and chutneys, so this is the best time for the pickle industry to grasp the attention of consumers and increase their market share with appropriate branding. The increase in consumer awareness towards health, nutrition and food security is good for the pickle market around the world, offering UK brands a great opportunity to cultivate this market opportunity to the fullest. Creative campaigns and authentic content can be used to motivate target audiences, and using convincing formats helps to increase the demand for pickles and chutney. The pickle market is diverse, as are the consumers, with each category of consumers having various and entirely different touch points and interests. The younger generations are reducing their pickle consumption but they are the most powerful consumers who make prompt purchases. The target was to convince them and shift their demand curve while maintaining the thriving demand of other consumer sectors – in this case we have covered all points that converted pickles into a success story.
East End Foods, founded in 1972, has grown to be one of the largest importers, sellers and distributors of Asian foods in the United Kingdom and has a yearly turnover in excess of £180m. The vast majority of their business has historically been from the UK’s large South Asian community, but the versatility of pickles and the dynamism of the market persuaded them to broaden their horizons. We were required to develop a communication strategy that revamps their brand positioning and expands its market share not just in one niche but across the whole community. They wanted to shift the behaviors of consumers towards purchasing traditional pickles. Yet, they also wanted to retain the strong reputation they had built over the decades as being the best suppliers of pure and authentic Asian foods and ingredients, which has traditionally appealed to families missing food from ‘back home’.

The UK’s pickle industry is versatile and tricky to analyse. Over the years, the preferences of consumers have been fluctuating like never before; they have become more experimental. Even in the UK’s South Asian communities, new generations are not as interested in pickles as previous generations were. This is because food now is not just form of nutrition but a reflection of lifestyle and personal habits. Throughout the campaign we aimed not only to sell the brand but also to expand the brand’s horizons – overall, we were required to reposition the perspective, positioning and personification of pickles.Through versatile creative campaigns and a combination of innovative dynamic approaches, we are aimed to derive impact driven results for both the short and long term. We also created performing arts, combining immersive tech and design with cutting-edge solutions to overcome brand challenges. Through a collaboration of innovation and creativity, we provided business outcomes that secure growth.
To make the campaign successful, real time research and in-depth insights were key. We analysed variances between consumer purchasing decisions to deeply evaluate behavioral insights of existing customers. Cluster sampling and hi-tech analytical tools also helped us to evaluate the dynamism and scope of the market. We evaluated competitive forces, reasons of shifting consumptions patterns, key forces and pattern that persuade consumers to buy. These helped us to identify correlations between communication styles, buyer ideologies, market trends and actual conversions. We worked to connect dots and we established a well thought out strategy.

Understanding of Pickles
Are Stake Holders
After evaluating the market, we needed to identify each player’s impact on the demand and consumer neurology, using in-depth analysis. We estimated the factors that drive consumer action and looked at the role of the amygdala plays in purchase patterns and fluctuations. Carrying out consumer neuroscience research helps us to understand behavioral economics and online behavior patterns, and neuro data helps us to identify the capacity map. These analyses played a great part in crafting result driven creative strategies those needing lasting impacts.
The campaign scope was to measure how to achieve maximum productivity and value for the brand, while maintaining budget constraints. This helped us to:
- Create new revenue streams
- Build awareness among market and affinity customers
- Create consumer demand
- Expand the market scope
- Entice existing and non-existing audiences
- Achieve a sustainable business positioning
- Influence socio psychological factors
- Brand build

For pickles, our goal was to expand the brand’s market share and explore new consumer horizons while retaining existing customers. Through a close alliance of insights and brand repositioning goals, we came up with concreate approaches and content that encompasses success. The content becomes a stimulus to subconscious reactions and rational behavior pattens. To derive tangible and intangible success for the brand, we established lasting connections with customers.
The biggest challenge was to expand the brand’s horizons and to revamp its positioning within the existing consumer base. We shared the brand’s personification in a manner that relates with audiences with diverse, cultures, interests and backgrounds – then employed universal human approach and exploited rigger points as calls to action so that the brand stays in their minds of consumers. For this purpose, we delivered authentic and creative content that relates with all objectives within budget constraints that met the challenge.

We combined all the information to develop and execute a well thought out strategy. We have a keen understanding that consumers make buying decision within 10 seconds or less, and know that we need to position the brand in the most effective manner with multiple cues that create an urge to buy. We evaluated the buying patterns of existing and non-existing customers to craft the campaign in a manner that helps to grow the brand with stability

While exploring the brief for the creative campaign development along with the brand team, certain facts were focused upon; those considered as the brand’s USPs, which created the theme for the script and concept. As pickles are rich in flavours, colours and have distinctive aroma, the visualisation team used aroma marketing as an integral part in storyboarding, script work and execution. We assembled a unique connection using the strengths of visuals and sound effects to create sensations for viewers, to attain the largest share of the rising consumption. The most inspiring way to establish connections is to show the best ingredients, persuading viewers to explore new food adventures.